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Online video appointments available in place of clinic appointments.

Virtual Reality Therapy London & Hampshire

Welcome to the world of virtual reality exposure therapy ,VRET for a shorter name.

Well what is it? VRET allows clients to immerse themselves into another world, usually one where the particular context  would normally be avoided !  With the guidance of a trained therapist, a client can learn to desensitise themselves to the particular stimulus they may be avoiding.


The client wears the virtual reality head set and the therapist has control of what is shown from either a laptop of tablet. The London and Hampshire anxiety clinic,  chose to use a company called Limbix VR, they have a clinical team, the applications are researched and tested, and importantly the applications contain real time footage. So different to avatars or augmented reality VR.

In the Limbix VR kit, you will see real people , it is as if you are stood with them , or observing what is going on around you.

To find out more about the benefits of VR therapy at the London or Hampshire anxiety clinic, please feel free to contact Mike Ward. VR therapy can be used for phobias, fears, anxiety, addiction, depression and mindfulness relaxation exercises - and in the comfort of the anxiety clinics offices.

The London and Hampshire anxiety clinics

A company registered in England and Wales, reg number: 12298791,

Registered address: 66 Botley Rd, Park Gate, Southampton SO31 1EB


Websites for Therapists by: YouCan Consulting